I develop leaders and staff for effective hybrid teams and flex workplaces.
Keep your teams energised, focused and productive – no matter where they’re working from (or what’s going on)!
Eliminate conflict over flex work
9 issues to get hybrid working
How good are your leaders at managing hybrid teams?
Places Cris has ‘popp’ed up:
Channel 10; ABC, Sydney Morning Herald; 3AW; Anthill Magazine; BRW, Progress Leader; Weight Watchers Magazine; Australian Natural Health; Women’s Health; Melbourne Times; LinkedIn; Mix 106.5 Sydney; 3RRR; 96.5v Inner FM; the Age; Herald-Sun; The Mind and its Potential; Happiness and Its Causes; Hargraves Innovation; and Sustainability conferences.
What People Are Saying
“It has mostly reinforced my knowledge and given me plenty of ideas. Especially in my new role these new skills will come in very handy. When I reflected on the content covered and the skills practised it occurred to me that we tend to copy each other’s behaviours and bad habits. Watching Cris role model new – and consciously different – ‘hybrid’ behaviour allowed me to decide what I will add to my online meeting behaviour repertoire.”
Uté Diversi
Assistant Director
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
“I had the great fortune of attending an Emerging Manager's Course facilitated by Chris as there were 2 spots available and my boss allowed me to go. I'm so very glad I was able to go because I got a wealth of information from the course. I had heard of many of the concepts before, but the way Chris presented the info really helped it land for me. He is by far one of the best presenters I've come across and I was even raving to a friend about his course and recommended she get in touch with Chris if her workplace ever needed a presenter. Chris obviously knows his material, is able to tailor it to suit his audience and is able to read the room like a pro. He not only presents the material well, he also explains WHY he is teaching certain topics, or why he has structured things a certain way. I'm very impressed.”
Danielle Stokes
School Administration Officer
University of Tasmania
“I just finished the Hybrid Leadership course with you through DAWE, and found it really helpful and practical.
Our team have recently implemented ongoing flexible working arrangements for all staff. This is the new norm, but it is a big adjustment and change for all, particularly for the leaders as it presents new challenges.
I am pleased to say the content was very relevant and applicable and has been really helpful for me - not only to lead a dispersed team– but to be able to become more effective at hybrid leadership and save time and attention for my own work.I would recommend this program to anybody who wants to be a great leader in this new hybrid working environment.
Jenni Vallance
Assessment Services Exports
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Contact Us or Book a Time to Talk
If you’re trying to figure something out ... it helps to run your ideas and questions past someone else. Someone independent but in the game.
We keep some slots free for leaders who are wanting to create their better workplace.
No sell. No products. Just an ear and another perspective.