Connecting from a distance
Here’s some potentially very bad news for leaders – especially with dispersed teams - your people will judge you on how they feel about you - not how much you know, or how productive, or how diligent you are.
And much of that will be based on how you connect.
And if you get it wrong, the consequences could be career-ending.
Consider Jayne, an executive at a communications firm.
She’d been working remotely for ten years, and although she was an expert, her newer colleagues didn't feel that she cared about them.
They thought she was abrasive and distant.
Fortunately, HR didn’t give up on her - they hired a coach to help and Jayne made some changes:
started adding personal touches to her emails. Previously they were quick and to the point but seemed impersonal and demanding.
scheduled more in-person meetings with her colleagues when she travelled to the office.
made time for team dinners after work.
On her next 360-degree review, she received very different results.
Her colleagues better understood her and felt more connected to her.
They appreciated the personal touches she added to her emails and enjoyed the team dinners after work.
Jayne was able to continue working remotely and still maintain strong connections.
What are some of the most effective ways you have seen leaders maintain the connection with their dispersed team members?
#humanresources #leadership #remotework