5 Smart ways to establish connection among your remote team

Managing a hybrid team requires keeping them motivated and engaged, regardless of where they work from - whether it's the office, living room, or even their bed. This is particularly challenging in a dispersed team setup, but it's also more important than ever. Here are some tips to help you lead your hybrid team effectively:

  1. Foster a sense of community: Make sure your team members have opportunities to interact with each other on a personal level. This could be virtual equivalents of traditional office activities like Friday drinks or a casual lunch.

  2. Keep everyone aligned: To ensure everyone is on the same page, live the team's values and talk about your vision and goals frequently. Consider creating a team charter to formalize this.

  3. Provide the basics: It may seem obvious, but some organizations still haven't provided the basic infrastructure necessary for dispersed teams to function, such as shared drives and tools to monitor progress.

  4. Promote flexibility and well-being: Encourage your team to adopt flexible working arrangements that fit their needs, and prioritize their well-being. Sitting at a desk for eight hours straight isn't the best way to work, so let them blend their home and work needs. Consider implementing a well-being program as well.

  5. Communicate openly and transparently: Foster a culture of open communication and transparency. Be as clear and honest as your organization's culture allows.

If you want more information on creating a culture of connection in a hybrid workplace, feel free to message me for my free guide on social activities that can be done even on virtual platforms like Zoom or Teams.

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