5 Powerful Ways for You to Get Great Work from Your Team (and you)

According to research from the O.C. Tanner Institute, there are five key skills associated with great work:

1.      Ask the right question
Great work begins with identifying opportunities for improvement by asking questions and focusing on the recipient of the work, whether it's customers, clients, team members, or leaders.

2.      Go and See
Workers who produce great work observe and examine from different perspectives to identify new possibilities. They look at current processes, consult with other disciplines, and study details and patterns.

3.      Talk to an outer circle
This means networking with people from different backgrounds, gathering information and insights from different sources, and keeping track of any great ideas that come up.

4.      Improve the mix
Workers who produce great work carefully plan and fine-tune changes, removing ineffective elements, adding improvements, and looking for connections between ideas. They frequently assess the fit and observe how the changes are coming together to form a cohesive whole.

5.      Deliver the difference
Great workers are persistent in achieving positive outcomes, learning from failure, and continuing to improve until their work inspires others.

Do you recognise these skills in your best staff?  Do you have them yourself?

#humanresources #leadership #remotework


The Secret to Great Work in a Hybrid Team


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